Minggu, 15 November 2009


alhamdulilah, saya bersyukur kepada allah, akhirnya saya dapat mewujudkan keinginan saya untuk menjadi asisten lab d kampus saya,,,,,,

saya ga mau mengecewaka kakak2 dan teman2 d lab saya....

There's a place waiting just for you
Is a special place where your dreams all come true
Fly away, swim the ocean blue
Drive that open road, leave the past behind you
Don't stop gotta keep moving
Your hopes have gotta keep building
Never ever forget that
I've got you and you've got me


Tugas B. inggris Bisnis


Exercise 1 Subject, Verb, Complement , and Modifier

1. george / is cooking / dinner / tonight.

Subject verb phrase complement modifer of time

2. henry & Marcia / have visited / the president.

Subject verb phrase complement

3. we / can eat lunch / in this restaurant / today.

Subject verb phrase complement modifer of time

4. pat / should have bought / gasoline / yesterday.

Subject verb phrase complement modifer of time

5. trees / grow

Subject verb phrase

6. it / was raining / at seven o’clock / this morning.

Subject verb phrase modifer of time modifer of time

7. she / opened / a checking account / at the bank / last week.

Subject verb phrase complement modifer of place modifer of time

8. harry / is washing / dishes / right now

Subject verb phrase complement modifer of time

9. she / opened / her book.

Subject verb phrase complement

10. paul, William, & mary / were watching / TV / a few minutes ago

Subject verb phrase complement modifer of time

Exercise 2 Count and Non-Count Nouns

  1. television (count)
  2. car (count)
  3. news (non count nouns)
  4. geography (non count nouns)
  5. atmosphere (non count nouns)
  6. person (non count nouns)
  7. water (count)
  8. pencil (count)
  9. food (count)
  10. tooth (count)
  11. soap (count)
  12. cup (count)
  13. money (count)
  14. hydrogen (non count nouns)
  15. minute (non count nouns)

Exercise 6 Simple Present and Present Progressive

  1. something is smelling very good
  2. we are eating dinner at 7 o’clock tonight
  3. he is practicing the piano every day
  4. they are driving to school tomorrow.
  5. I am believing you
  6. maria are having a cold
  7. Jorge is swimming right now
  8. jhon is hating smoke
  9. jill always are getting up at 6:00 A.M
  10. jerry is mowing the lawn now

Exercise 7 Simple Past Tense and Past Progressive

1. Gene was eating dinner when his friend called.
2. While Maria was cleaning the apartment, her husband slept.
3. At three o’clock this morning, Elean was studying.
4. When Mark arrived, the Johnsons have dinner, but they stopped in order to talk him.
5. John went to France last year.
6. When the teacher was enter the room, the students were talking.
7. While Joan was writing the report, Henry was looking for more information.
8. We saw this movie last night.
9. At one time, Mr.Roberts owned this building.
10. Jose wrote a letter to his family when his pencil broke.

Exercise 8 Present Perfect and Simple Past

  1. jhon has been write his report last night
  2. bob has seen this movie before
  3. Jorge have been read the newspaper already
  4. mr. Johnson have been working in the same place for thirty five years & he is not panning to retire yet
  5. we haven’t been to study for the test yet
  6. george has been going to the store at ten o’clock this morning
  7. joan have been traveling around the world
  8. betty has been writing a latter last night
  9. guillermo has been calling his employer yesterday
  10. we haven’t seen this movie yet

Exercise 9 Past Perfect and Simple Past

  1. the policeman read the suspect his rights after he had arrested him
  2. after john had been washing his clothes, he began to study
  3. george had been waiting for one hour before the bus came
  4. maria had entered the university after she had graduated from the community collage
  5. jeanette had washed the pipettes after she had completed the experiment
  6. jane sent a letter to her university after she had received her scholarship check
  7. after the stewardesses had served lunch to the passenger, they had been sitting down
  8. the car had flipped ten times before it landed on its roof
  9. we corrected our papers after we had been taking the quiz
  10. john had been living in Miami for one year when his parents came to visit

Exercise 10 Subject-Verb Agreement

  1. john, along with twenty friends is planning a party
  2. the picture of the soldiers brings back many memories
  3. the quality of these recording is not very good
  4. if the duties of these officers aren’t reduced, there will not be enough time to finish the project
  5. the effects of cigarette smoking have been proven to be extremely harmful
  6. the use of credit cards in place of cash has increased rapidly in recent years
  7. advertisement on TV is becoming more competitive than ever before
  8. living expenses in this country, as well as in many others, is area all time high
  9. Mr. jones, accompanied by several members of the committee has proposed some changes
  10. the levels of intoxication vary form subject to subject

Exercise 11 Subject-Verb Agreement

1. Neither Bill nor Mary is going to the play tonight.
2. Anything is better han going to another movie tonight.
3. Skating is becoming more popular every day.
4. A number of reporters were at the conference yesterday.
5. Everybody who has a fever must go home immediately.
6. Your glasses were on the bureau last night.
7. There was some people at the meeting last night.
8. The committee has already reached a decision.
9. A pair of jeans were in the washing machine this morning.
10. Each student have answered the first three questions.
11. Either John or his wife makes breakfast each morning.
12 After she had perused the material, the secretary decided that everything were in order.
13. The crowd at the basketball game was wild with excitement.
14. A pack of wild dogs has frightened all the ducks away.
15. The Jury is trying to reach a decision.
16. The army has eliminated this section of the training test.
17. The number of students who have withdrawn from class this quarter are appalling.
18. There have been too many interruptions in this class.
19. every elementary school teacher has to take this examination.
20. Neither Jill nor her parents have seen this movie before.

Exercise 12 Pronouns

  1. I go to school with him every day
  2. I see her at the union every Friday
  3. she speaks to us every morning
  4. Isn’t she a nice person?
  5. he is going to new york on vacation
  6. she and john gave the money to the boy
  7. your record is scratched and mine is too
  8. I hurt my leg
  9. john bought himself a new coat
  10. we girls are going camping over the weekend
  11. mr. jones cut himself shaving
  12. we like our new car very much
  13. the dog bit her on the leg
  14. john himself went to the meeting
  15. you’ll stick yourself with the pins if you are careful
  16. mary & me would rather go to the movies
  17. everyone has to do their own research
  18. just between you and me, I don’t like this food
  19. Monday is a holiday for us teachers
  20. her car does not go as fast as our

Exercise 13 Verbs as Complements

1. The teacher decided to accept the paper.
2. They appreciate to have this information.
3. His father doesn’t approve of his going to Europe.
4. We found it very difficult to each a decision.
5. Donna is interested in opening a bar.
6. Goerge has no ontention of leaving the city now.
7. We are eager to return to school in the fall.
8. You would be better off buying this car.
9. She refused to accept the gift.
10. Mary regrets to be the one to have to tell him.
11. Goerge pretended being sick yesterday.
12. Carlos hopes to finish his thesis this year.
13. They agreed to leave early.
14. Helen was anxious to tell her family about her promotion.
15. We are not ready to stop this research at this time.
16. Henry shouldn’t risk to drive so fast.
17. He demands to know what is going on.
18. She is looking forward to return o her country.
19. There is no excuse for leaving the room in this condition.
20. Gerald returned to his home after leaving the game.

Exercise 14 Pronouns with Verbs as Complements

  1. richard is expecting us to go to class tomorrow
  2. you shouldn’t rely on his calling you in the morning
  3. they don’t approve of our leaving early
  4. george asked me to call him last night
  5. we understand his having to leave early
  6. john resented george’s losing the paper
  7. we object to the defense attorney calling the extra witness
  8. we are expecting henry’s to call us
  9. they are looking forward to our visiting them
  10. susan regrets john’s being in trouble

Exercise 15 Need

  1. it’s too hot and my hair needs cutting
  2. the flowers need to be waterd
  3. james needs to see a doctor soon
  4. mary will need to more make a new dress for the party
  5. his car needs tuned
  6. you will need to be here at eight
  7. the squeaky door needs to be more oil
  8. I need to go shopping this afternoon
  9. they need studing harder for that test
  10. the house needs to be painted soon

Exercise 16 Embedded Questions

1. Who will be elected president? I’m not sure who will be elected president.
2. Whose book is it? They haven’t discovered whose book is it.
3. How much will it cost to repair the car? The mechanic told me how much will it cost to repair the car.
4. How was the murder committed? The police are still trying to decide How was the murder committed.
5. How tall is John? Do you know how tall is John?.
6. How well does she play the guitar? You can’t imagine how well does she play guitar.
7. When will the next exam take place? Do you know when will the next exam take place?
8. Where did they spend their vacation? Angela told me where did they spend their vacation.
9. Why are they buying a new house? I don’t know why are they buying a new house.
10. How long does the class last? The catalog doesn’t say how long does the class last.

Exercise 17 Tag Questions

1. You’re going to school tomorrow, aren’t you?
2. Gary signed he petition, didn’t he?
3. There’s an exam tomorrow, isn’t it?
4. Beverly will be attending the university in September, doesn’t she?
5. She’s been studying English for two years, doesn’t she?
6. It sure is sunny today, doesn’t it?
7. He should stay in bed, doesn’t he?
8. You can’t play tennis today, can you?
9. There aren’t any peaches left, are there?
10. We’ve seen that movies, haven’t we?

Exercise 18 Affirmative Agreement

1. Rose likes to fly, and her brother is too.
2. They will leave at noon, and I am too.
3. He has an early appointment, and so do I.
4. she has already written her composition, and so have her friends.
5. Their plane is arriving at nine o’clock, and so is mine.
6. I should go grocery shopping this afternoon, and so should my neighbor.
7. We like to swim in the pool, and they like too.
8. Our Spanish teacher loves to travel, and so are we.
9. He has lived in Mexico for five years, and you has too.
10. I must write them a letter, and she must too.

Exercise 19 Negative Agreement

1. The children shouldn’t take that medicine, and neither should she.
2. We don’t plan to attend the concert, and neither do they.
3. I don’t like tennis, and he doesn’t either.
4. She didn’t see anyone she knew, and neither did Tim.
5. The Yankees couldn’t play due to the bad weather, and neither could the angels.
6. Mary can’t type well, and her sister can’t either.
7. I’m not interested in reading that book, and neither is she.
8. They won’t have to work on weekends, and we won’t either.
9. I can’t stand listening to hat music, and she can’t either.
10. Michael doesn’t speak English, and his family doesn’t either.

Exercise 20 Negative Agreement

1. That scientist isn’t too happy with the project, and neither is her supervisors.
2. We can’t study in the library, and they can’t either.
3. I haven’t worked there long, and neither have you.
4. You didn’t pay the rent, and she doesn’t either.
5. They didn’t want anything to drink, and neither are we.
6. John shouldn’t run so fast, and neither should you.
7. The students won’t accept the dean’s decision, and the faculty wont either.
8. Your class hasn’t begun yet, and neither is mine.
9. She couldn’t attend the lecture, and her sister couldn’t either.
10. He didn’t know the answer, and neither do I.

B.inggris bisnis Unit 5

Unit 5

A1 Letters of invitation

Dear Dr Adelby,

General courtesies : I hope you had a comfortable journey back after the conference. Thank you once again for amost stimulating lecture; it was much appreciated. Perhaps you remember

A polite introduction : the conversation we had about Brunei. As you know, a colleague, Tony spaventa, and I have been working on possibilities of a six- week geological and ecological survey of the temburong area. I remember you expressed interest in the project.

The object of the letter : At last we have received permission and I have been asked to recruit a team. If this can be done in time, we will leave in September. Would you be interested in joining us? I realise this is perhaps short notice, and you may have other commintments, but I do hope you will be able to accept. I can assure you that it will be most interesting and

Giving more details : exciting from all points of view. I ought to add that, although the assignment is not particularly well paid, all out- of- pocket expenses will be met. There will also be a generous everseas allowance.

Asking for a response : Could you let me know as soon as possible if you are interested in principle. Should you be able to join us, full details and a draft contract will be forwarded in due course.

Fanalising : If all goes according to plan, we may well spend six weeks in the forest region. This should enable us to produce a survey, an analysis and to make recommendation. Do let me know when you plan to come to England again. I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely,

A2 An informal invitation,

‘Did all go well with your retrun journey?’ (Informal)

‘I hope you had a comfortable journey back after the conference.’ (Formal)

‘Remember our talk about Brunei with Karen Adebly?’ (Informal)

‘Perhaps you remember the conversation we had about Brunei ?’ (Formal)

‘I have just heard that we can go a heard.’ (Informal)

‘At last we have received permission….’ (Formal)

‘…you may have got fixed up for the autumn…’ (Informal)

‘…you may have other commitments…’ (Formal)

‘…I do hope you can make it.’ (Informal)

‘….I do hope you will be able to accept.’ (Formal)

‘…there is not much money in it.’ (Informal)

‘…the assignment is not particularly well paid…’ (Formal)

B1 A semi- formal acceptance

Dear Peter,

This is just to confirm Monday’s telephone conversation. I am

delighted to accept your invitation to take part in the Brunai

project. Thank you very much for thinking of me.

I heard today that I have to be onford on Thursday 15th, Wednesday evening, or on the 17th,

Friday morning . Which would be most convenient ?

It would be an ercellent opportunity to get down to some detailed planning. I shall be staying at

the Europa Hotel, Charlton Street.

I hope that Tony Spaventa will be able to join us. I was` most impressed with his article in “The

Scient ific Journal.” His experience would be invaluable in Brunei.

Let me know about the 15th or 17th . I look forward to meeting you again.

Yours sincerely,

Karen Adelby !

B2 A telex accepting an invitation

Tony Spaventa sent the following telex from Barbados



Note the use of the American ‘through’.

This includes both 7th and 18th April.

B3 Informal acceptancetrip.

Dear Peter,

This is just to confirm My telex many thanks for your invitation. It looks as though I will be able to join you in BruneiAfter all.

I have yet to let me the question of dates, as I’m not really due more than 28 days leave, however I am fairly confidenrt.

I shall be in London on 7th, I’ll contact you at office when I get in about 9.30 am, Monday and you can sort out have more details then. Thanks once again.

Yours in great haste.

C1 Declining an invitation and suggesting alternative arrangements

Dear Karen,

Thank you for your letter of January 20th. Iam very sorry that I cannot meet you on either 15th or 17th as you suggested. Have to be in paris that week. It is a long-standing engage which I am affraid I cannot alter.

Would it be possible to meet on Saturday 18th instead?I could collect you from your hotel at 11.30 am. I would be very happy to show you and the Research Until after lunch. We would have to draw up some sor t of schedule for the trip.

If this is not convenient ,please don’t hesitate to contact me on 01-246-89997.

Ilook forward to meetingyou againt.

Yours sincerely.


C2 Alternating arrangements

Dear Manager of Bank,

I had an appointment with him next week, wish u on Tuesday at 1600 hour to discuss my overdraft. But I want to change the time to 1400 hour as I have an unexpected Board Meeting.

Dear my Friend,

I had a lunch appointment for 12.45 next Friday but I have to go to Paris for a meeting on Thursday. So I give u alternative date, time and place to meet.

D2 Choosing the correct preposition

The survey is being financed by

The team consists of

He has been authorised by

Peter is a lecturer in

Tony specializes in

Dr Adelby works in

We had a most interesting discussion about

The press shows an interest in

Permission has been granted by

They met with coincidence

We are now looking forward at

Unit 5
A1 Letters of invitation
Dear Dr Adelby,
General courtesies I hope you had a comfortable journey back after the conference. Thank you once again for amost stimulating lecture; it was much appreciated. Perhaps you remember
A polite introduction the conversation we had about Brunei. As you know, a colleague, Tony spaventa, and I have been working on possibilities of a six- week geological and ecological survey of the temburong area. I remember you expressed interest in the project.
The object of the letter At last we have received permission and I have been asked to recruit a team. If this can be done in time, we will leave in September. Would you be interested in joining us? I realise this is perhaps short notice, and you may have other commintments, but I do hope you will be able to accept. I can assure you that it will be most interesting and
Giving more details exciting from all points of view. I ought to add that, although the assignment is not particularly well paid, all out- of- pocket expenses will be met. There will also be a generous everseas allowance.
Asking for a response Could you let me know as soon as possible if you are interested in principle. Should you be able to join us, full details and a draft contract will be forwarded in due course.
Fanalising If all goes according to plan, we may well spend six weeks in the forest region. This should enable us to produce a survey, an analysis and to make recommendation. Do let me know when you plan to come to England again. I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely,

A2 An informal invitation,
‘Did all go well with your retrun journey?’ (Informal)
‘I hope you had a comfortable journey back after the conference.’ (Formal)
‘Remember our talk about Brunei with Karen Adebly?’ (Informal)
‘Perhaps you remember the conversation we had about Brunei ?’ (Formal)
‘I have just heard that we can go a heard.’ (Informal)
‘At last we have received permission….’ (Formal)
‘…you may have got fixed up for the autumn…’ (Informal)
‘…you may have other commitments…’ (Formal)
‘…I do hope you can make it.’ (Informal)
‘….I do hope you will be able to accept.’ (Formal)
‘…there is not much money in it.’ (Informal)
‘…the assignment is not particularly well paid…’ (Formal)

B1 A semi- formal acceptance
Dear Peter,
This is just to confirm Monday’s telephone conversation. I am
delighted to accept your invitation to take part in the Brunai
project. Thank you very much for thinking of me.
I heard today that I have to be onford on Thursday 15th, Wednesday evening, or on the 17th,
Friday morning . Which would be most convenient ?
It would be an ercellent opportunity to get down to some detailed planning. I shall be staying at
the Europa Hotel, Charlton Street.
I hope that Tony Spaventa will be able to join us. I was` most impressed with his article in “The
Scient ific Journal.” His experience would be invaluable in Brunei.
Let me know about the 15th or 17th . I look forward to meeting you again.
Yours sincerely,
Karen Adelby !
B2 A telex accepting an invitation
Tony Spaventa sent the following telex from Barbados
Note the use of the American ‘through’.
This includes both 7th and 18th April.

B3 Informal acceptancetrip.
Dear Peter,
This is just to confirm My telex many thanks for your invitation. It looks as though I will be able to join you in BruneiAfter all.
I have yet to let me the question of dates, as I’m not really due more than 28 days leave, however I am fairly confidenrt.
I shall be in London on 7th, I’ll contact you at office when I get in about 9.30 am, Monday and you can sort out have more details then. Thanks once again.
Yours in great haste.

C1 Declining an invitation and suggesting alternative arrangements
Dear Karen,
Thank you for your letter of January 20th. Iam very sorry that I cannot meet you on either 15th or 17th as you suggested. Have to be in paris that week. It is a long-standing engage which I am affraid I cannot alter.
Would it be possible to meet on Saturday 18th instead?I could collect you from your hotel at 11.30 am. I would be very happy to show you and the Research Until after lunch. We would have to draw up some sor t of schedule for the trip.
If this is not convenient ,please don’t hesitate to contact me on 01-246-89997.
Ilook forward to meetingyou againt.
Yours sincerely.

C2 Alternating arrangements
Dear Manager of Bank,
I had an appointment with him next week, wish u on Tuesday at 1600 hour to discuss my overdraft. But I want to change the time to 1400 hour as I have an unexpected Board Meeting.
Dear my Friend,
I had a lunch appointment for 12.45 next Friday but I have to go to Paris for a meeting on Thursday. So I give u alternative date, time and place to meet.

D2 Choosing the correct preposition
The survey is being financed by
The team consists of
He has been authorised by
Peter is a lecturer in
Tony specializes in
Dr Adelby works in
We had a most interesting discussion about
The press shows an interest in
Permission has been granted by
They met with coincidence
We are now looking forward at

b.inggris bisnis UNIT 4

Unit 4
Dear Steven
I was very grad to hear about your
recent appointment. I know how
hard you have worked and you certainly
deserve it. It is a great pity.
I’m going to the states for two
weeks but I’m shortly going on holiday when i
get back, I’ll give u a sting Meanwhile all the very best.
Your very sincerely,
B2. Collection letters.
Here are some extracts taken from standard letters sent out to different
days from the agreed date of payment.
When you have read all the following extracts carefully, decide which you would sent to
a. a customer who has been valuable to you in the past, but for some
reason has settled his account.
b. a customer who is a very slow payer, but who has always paid eventually.
c. a costumer whom your feel is a bad risk.
(bad risk)

Extract 1.
You have not replied to our letters of January 18th
or February 22nd and we have been instructed by
our account department to insist on immediate
payment of this overdue account.
An amicable settlement is preferable to us, but
no hesitation will be shown should formal
proceedings become necessary.
Your cheque should be sent to this office at the
above address by return.

B3 Extracts From collection letters at different stages
Extract 1
When you have read this excract, answer the questions.

1. You failure to clear this account has forced us
to recommend to our client that they take futher
action now.
2. A cheque sent to my attention within. 48 hours can
halt proceedings.
3. Make your remittance payable to gunn & shawcross
and send to the address above.

i. what are the strong emotive word in this letter?

ii. at what stage would you send this leatter?
After letter 1,2, or 3 in B2?
After letter exctract 1
iii.would youcontinue to do business with this customer in the future?
Perhaps not it would.

Excract 2
Now compare the extract you have just read with this expamle. This is a letter from an accounts department.

We have been advised that no payment has been
Received for invoice 1098/8 for £156.05.
We are sure this must have escaped your
Attention and we must ask you to settle the
Account by return.

i. how strong does this letter feel to you?
ii. at what stage do you think it was sent?
After letter 1,2 or 3 in B2?
iii. what was the relationship between the writer and the recipient?
Was the recipient a regular customer, a valued customer or a bad security risk?
iv what could , a valued customer or a bad security risk?
iv what could you change in the last sentence to:
a. make it softer?
b. make it sharper?
Use formulae fro letters 1,2 or 3 in B2.

Exctract 3
Here is letter from the legal department of a large store.

In view of your persistent default your credit
Fasilities are hereby withdrawn.
We futher notify you that if the overdue sum
Of £277.00 is not received within ten days
Of the date of this letter the local county
Court will issue a summons against you for
The recovery of the above amount plus such
Costs as are involed.

i. at what stage was this letter sent?
After letter 1,2 or 3 in B2?
ii. re- white this letter making it possible to countinue business with this customer.
Use formulae from letter 1,2 or 3 in B2.

C2 Pressing for payment.
1. touch
2. settled
3. to date
4. originally
5. specially
6. reason
7. breakdown
8. arrange
9. in full
10. despite
11. understanding

C3 asking for an extension of credit

Any of the following words and phrases are acceptable, but there is a subtle difference between the alternatives given.
1. (c) is the most tactful and converys a greater degree of understanding.
(a) are aware or
(b) understand
(c) fully appreciate
Answer: a & c
2. (a) does not convery much determination. (b) is stronger and more formal. (c) indicates sincerity and willingness, but without a definite commitment.
(a) try
(b) endeavour
(c) make every effort
Answer: b
3. (a) is not definite enough in this context. (b) shows much firmer intention.
(a) suggest
(b) propose
Answer: b
4. (a) is very demanding and blunt (b) and (c) are not as tactful as (d)
(a) want
(b) need
(c) require
(d) would like
Answer: b
5. (a) and (b) are not as formal as (c).
(a) sorted out
(b) settled
(c) resolved
Answer: c
6. (a) does not indicate if the contract was obtained. (b) and (c) show that the contract is finalized.
(a) negotiated
(b) secured
(c) signed
Answer: a
7. (a) shows the most positive attitude.
(a) are confident
(b) hope
(c) expect
Answer: a
8. (a) and (b) are warm and friendly. (c) is more formal.
(a) help
(b) understanding
(c) assistance
Answer: c

ii. use the credit controller’s letter as a guide to write four similar letters in the situations below. You are being pressed for payment. Explain why you are having difficulties, and make an alternativesuggestion.

The reason why you cannot pay:
1. sales not up to forecast- prospects bright
2. imported machinery delayed
3. fire help up production- in curred losses
4. debtors are slows to pay you

Post dated cheques
Return goods?
Bill of exchange third party guarantee
Payment by instalments within 6 mounths plus interest

Jumat, 13 November 2009

surat permohonan pemesanan barang

tugas ke 3, B.inggris Bisnis

November 12, 2009


22 Jl. Ciomas rasamala

Bogor city, Jawa barat

Bogor barat 16610

Dear Sirs,

I am inquiring on behalf of Petroleum Engineers, Inc. concerning the rates and terms of your automobile leasing contracts. We are interested in acquiring a fleet of 12 vehicles which includes: six full-sized, double-cab pick-up trucks with manual transmissions and six sedans with automatic transmissions. The vehicles will be used during business hours only and will remain on-site during the evening hours.

Please inform us of your monthly lease charges for the entire fleet and the limit on miles per year, per vehicle. We are interested in the price options available for a variety of automobile makes and models. If your company offers a maintenance agreement, please provide us with those specific details as well.

Thank you for your time.



Purchase Manager



surat permohonan pemesanan barang

tugas ke 3 b.bisnis

November 12, 2009


22 Jl. Ciomas rasamala

Bogor city, Jawa barat

Bogor barat 16610

Dear Sirs,

I am inquiring on behalf of Petroleum Engineers, Inc. concerning the rates and terms of your automobile leasing contracts. We are interested in acquiring a fleet of 12 vehicles which includes: six full-sized, double-cab pick-up trucks with manual transmissions and six sedans with automatic transmissions. The vehicles will be used during business hours only and will remain on-site during the evening hours.

Please inform us of your monthly lease charges for the entire fleet and the limit on miles per year, per vehicle. We are interested in the price options available for a variety of automobile makes and models. If your company offers a maintenance agreement, please provide us with those specific details as well.

Thank you for your time.



Purchase Manager



Minggu, 08 November 2009

tugas bahasa inggris bisnis


Cikoneng Rasamala

RT: 01/RW: 06 Ciomas

Bogor 16610

Email: julkifli_lubis@yahoo.com



PLACE/DATE OF BIRTH : Jakarta, February 22th, 1989

SEX : Male

NATIONALITY : Indonesian


STATUS : Single

PHONE : +62856 - 97345453

Formal Educational Background






University of Gunadarma, Faculty of Economy, Majoring in Accounting

2007 – 2011

Senior High School


SMA Rimba Madya, Bogor

2004 – 2007

Junior High School


SLTP PGRI 3 Ciomas, Bogor

2001 – 2004

Elementary School


SD Rimba Putra, Bogor

1996 – 2001

Non Formal Education and Seminars




Course : “Brevet A”

University Of Gunadarma


Workshop : “Tax Accounting”

University of Gunadarma


“Seminar Perbankan Syariah”

Indonesian Bank


Doctoral Programme Of Information Technology Seminar

“Advance Research On Image Processing”

University of Gunadarma


Workshop Securities Technical Analysis

University of Gunadarma



Computer Ability



Microsoft Word

Word processing

Microsoft Excel

Spreadsheet and data calculation

Microsoft Visio

Data flow diagram and flowchart drawing

Microsoft Powerpoint

Presentation design

Microsoft Access

Database design

Internet Explorer

Internet connections system

Mozilla Firefox

Internet connections system

Trouble Shooting


Organizational and Committee Experiences



Assistant Lab / Lecturer of Gunadarma University

2009 – Present

Field of Interests

Accounting, Management, Human Research Development, Business Development, Finance and Investments, Marketing and Advertising, Entry Data Processing.


Friendly, adaptive, hard worker, motivated in learning new things, cooperative, simple minded as well as open minded, willing to work with full dedication and responsibility, able to work under pressure

This Curriculum Vitae is prepared in valid data by my good intention to be used by any parties needed.

Sincerely Yours,
